Micom BH is a company whose main business is selling measuring instruments and equipment. Micom BH is part of the Micom group, which is the largest distributor of measuring instruments in Southeastern Europe. The company was founded in 1991 and today the Micom Group employs 30 people, most of whom are electrical and mechanical engineers.
Laboratorij društva MICOM BH osnovan je 2019. godine i kao nezavisna organizaciona jedinica pruža usluge kalibracije mjerila temperature. Od maja 2021., laboratorij posluje kao akreditovani laboratorij za kalibraciju mjerila temperature. MICOM BH je akreditovan od strane Instituta za akreditiranje BiH (BATA-e), bilateralnog potpisnika EA MLA, pod registarskim brojem akreditacije LK–170–01, za Standard BAS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018. Laboratorij zapošljava inženjere elektrotehnike i mašinstva sa velikim iskustvom u oblasti kalibracije i termometrije. Kao sekundardni industrijski laboratorij, MICOM pruža usluge kalibracije svih termometara koji se najčešće koriste u industriji, uključujući termoparove, otporničke termometre i samopokazne termometre, osiguravajući rezultate kalibracije i mjernu nesigurnost takvu da odgovara aplikacijama u industriji. Na taj način našim klijentima osiguravamo kvalitet, smanjujemo troškove, povećavamo učinkovitost i što je najvažnije, štitimo ljudske živote.
We strongly believe that our calibration services must be technically flawless, client-friendly and timely. We invite you to see for yourself the quality of our services.
Quality policy
Reliable management
In order to provide quality services on an ongoing basis, we have identified all the necessary processes and resources for the quality of our overall operations that we manage reliably, so that all relevant activities are documented and controlled, resources are planned and provided, and responsibilities and authorizations for their implementation are assigned.
Test reliability
Activity management is based on the analysis of documented facts about the reliability of the results of our calibrations, so that our decisions are well made and represent a guarantee for further quality work.
Team work
In order to maintain our position in the long run, we support teamwork and mutual respect for all those involved in the work of the MICOM BH Calibration Laboratory.
Continuing education and learning
We achieve this vision by constantly educating ourselves in the relevant fields, planning and reviewing all activities, thus establishing the unity of our professional and scientific aspirations and activities, and the recognizable quality of the services we provide in the Calibration Laboratory. |
Calibration impartiality and objectivity
All employees of the laboratory are committed to continuous research, recognition and fulfillment of the requirements of all relevant laws, standards and new scientific practices, in order to offer impartial and objective services and measurement results to the satisfaction of Clients at all times.
Focus on clients
As we perform our business in accordance with the requirements and expectations of our stakeholders and our Clients, we are committed and responsible for establishing lasting and partnership relations with our Clients in order to achieve mutual benefit and satisfaction, with the aim of improving the accuracy, efficiency and effectiveness of the Client process.
Continuous review
Services provided by MICOM BH must always be to the satisfaction of our Clients and relevant authorities, and if they do not, they must be reviewed and improved. |